
The minute you saw your baby, you immediately fell head-over-heels in love. Those chipmunk cheeks, wrinkly hands, tiny fingers and toes, and their little body have filled your heart with so much joy. You keep trying to memorize every detail so that you can remember these fleeting moments for the rest of your life.

Your child will grow so quickly and before long they will transition to a toddler and you'll be struggling to remember all these little newborn details. That's where a newborn session comes in handy-preserving these precious details of your new baby. Years from now you will be so glad that you booked a newborn session so that you can stroll back down memory lane to the days when you didn't have to share your child with the rest of the world.

The first few weeks of your child's life need to be captured with photographs because children grow so fast. Let me capture these fleeting moments in your little one's life and give you memories that will last a lifetime because they are only this little once. We can play dress-up! We can pretend! Would you like to be a prince or princess with your castle in the background? Would you like to pretend that you are fast asleep in a comfy bed? Or even floating in the sky in a hot air balloon or on the moon! Tell me oh little one, what would you like?


When looking for a newborn photographer, PLEASE PLEASE make sure that they are safety certified and have been trained IN PERSON by a professional trainer with LOTS of experience. Speaking from a photographer's point-of-view, you can only learn so much online. IN PERSON training by an experienced photographer is the most valuable training and is absolutely necessary!!!

With that being said, I have been NEWBORN SAFETY CERTIFIED by Ana Brandt and trained IN PERSON by her. I am also a Mother of 2 and a Grandmother of 2.

SAFETY for YOUR NEWBORN will ALWAYS be my first and foremost concern. Your newborn will lead the session and let me know what they are comfortable with or not comfortable with. No poses will ever be pushed on an infant and I am constantly checking to make sure that they are breathing properly.